Bud / flower symptoms

These are some of the symptoms you might see on coconut buds. Click on the possible causes of the symptoms to find out more.



Possible cause

Inflorescences with LY_opt

Blackening of the inflorescences (all parts of the flower) starting at the spike tips and male flowers. Note they may be fully blackened at later stages of infection (© Nigel A. HarrisonUniversity of Florida)

Lethal yellowing

Additional symptoms of lethal yellowing include: 

  • Fronds die and hang down.
  • Death of the emerging spear leaf.
  • Death of the growing point of the palm occurs next.
  • The crown falls, leaving a dead trunk only, sticking up like a telegraph pole.

coconut phyto 4_opt

Rotting of flowers in the inflorescences. Male and female flowers can show rotting. Note the brown rot compared to that of the black rot seen with lethal yellowing (© Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Australia)
  Bogia coconut syndrome (BCS)
We don't have any images of other bud symptoms. If you have any you can share, please contact us!


Previous page: Leaf symptoms Next page: Crown symptoms