
Welcome to the Coconut Pests and Diseases toolkit (CPDT). This toolkit has been developed as part of the Coconut Industry Development for the Pacific, funded by the European Union. The CPDT is intended to aid in basic training for the management of coconut pests and diseases in the Pacific. The toolkit is mostly targeted at helping developing Pacific Nations, who often do not have access to pest control locally and depend on outside help. But anyone is welcome to use it.

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The CPDT has six main sections:

  • Coconut pests & diseases: all the possible pests and diseases affecting coconut. Those causing more severe problems are described in more detail.
  • Identification: identify possible pests or diseases using the symptoms that are observed 
  • Prevention: general approaches to prevention (biosecurity)
  • Diversity & resilience: global change, it's effects on coconut production, and ways to minimise these effects
  • Learning & teaching: resources for awareness and training
  • Getting help: as well as the resources in the CPDT, technical experts, regional agencies and NGOs can help you

At the bottom of every page, you'll find links to credits, a glossary, and a site map that provides an overview of content in the site.

If you want a USB copy of the toolkit, send your address details to SPC. Alternatively, if you want to take a copy of the CPDT yourself, you can do this using a number of website capture tools. We have found HTTRACK is quite easy to use and preserves the formatting well, though it does work best in newer versions of internet browsers. Once you have captured the site onto your computer, click on the directory it has been saved into and open the page called 'index' (this might also be called 'index.html').